Sunday, June 2, 2024

Slow Fashion Challenge 2024, 14 days in June

The Slow Fashion Challenge this year is from June 1-14. This Challenge is always interesting and enlightening to me and the daily prompts and topics usually lead me into doing research to get more information and a better understanding. I’ll be giving these prompts a go.  

2024 Slow Fashion Challenge daily prompts.

How to participate in the Slow Fashion Challenge?

Participation is easy. 

  • Follow @SlowFashionChallenge and the hashtag #slowfashionchallengejune24.
  • Make a post on Instagram using the prompts above as a guide. Or, free-style it and post something related to slow fashion or sustainability.
  • Include the #slowfashionchallengejune24 hashtag and include @SlowFashionChallenge in your posts.

You can post and/or just follow along and support other participants with likes and comments on their posts. 

The “Long Loved” prompt

For today’s “Long Loved” prompt, I posted a favorite patchwork jacket of mine that was started in 2018 and completed in 2019. As a Make Nine project from 2019, it’s been in my wardrobe rotation for 5+ years and is worn frequently.

Patchwork jacket from 2019.

Patchwork jacket, front view.

Want to learn more about slow fashion and sustainability? Follow the Slow Fashion Challenge 2024.

Learn, enjoy, and be inspired!

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