Preparation and set up for
QuiltWeek Chattanooga commenced on Monday. My guild friends and I volunteered to help hang the show quilts and special exhibit quilts while the vendors and AQS staff were busy setting up booths and displays.
Prepping for QuiltWeek Chattanooga, September 14-17. |
I ran into Kay and Kathy from
The Quilting Squares (Franklin, TN) unloading products and setting up their booth on Monday.
Melissa and Bill from
Bernina Sew N Quilt Studio (Chattanooga, TN) had been bringing in and unloading boxes since Sunday.
Bernina Sew N Quilt Studio booth. |
On Wednesday through Saturday, September 14 - 17, these aisles in the Chattanooga Convention Center will be buzzing with quilters and visitors—admiring the beautiful quilts, attending lectures and classes, shopping the vendor mall and learning about all the new products, quilting machines, sewing machines, tools and notions that are available for today's quilter and quilting enthusiast.
Setting up for QuiltWeek Chattanooga. |
Come on down and join the excitement from Wednesday through Saturday,
September 14 - 17. In addition to the show quilts, the special exhibits include the
World Painters Challenge, selected antique quilts from the
Patriotic and Presidential Collection of Sue Reich, works of Paula Nadelstern and two SAQA art quilt exhibits.
QuiltWeek Chattanooga is on!