May the Fourth be with You and your Glorious Hexagons!
(Couldn't let this day slip away without a blog post.)
48 completed hexagons in the Glorious Hexagon Quilt Along. |
I'm celebrating May the Fourth with 48 completed hexagons from the
Glorious Hexagons Quilt Along but I also have several little baggies of bits and pieces of more blocks awaiting assembly.
I and five friends are working through the Quilt Along. I started at the end of January (this year) and work on my blocks from time to time. Here are a few of my favorite blocks so far.
#9 Doris block. |
The blocks with the holiday fabrics are fun and make me smile. Love the Kitty Kats above and Cheeky Pumpkins below.
3" hexagon with Cheeky Pumpkins |
The #13 Judy layout seems to be a favorite. Hedgehogs are from Gentle Forest.
#13 Judy block. |
This one reminds me of
Jesse the Wonder Cat, the orange kitty mascot at the Cat Clinic of Chattanooga.
#13 Judy block. |
And this kitty [from A Cat Tale by Sarah Frederking] likes the butterflies from the Sunshine Day line.
#13 Judy block. |
GeoFlow has bold colors and stylized and geometric motifs. I have more bits from this fabric cut for future blocks.
#13 Judy block. |
The next two are from the same fabric line, Luminosity.
#13 Judy block. |
#35 Sharon block. |
Love the shoes in this one! Fabric is from a fabric line called Lady Claire.
#51 Joyce block. |
And of course, my Yuki dog block. Love that big fuzzy dog.
#36 Elly block. |
Do you have a favorite? There are other really good ones posted in different Facebook groups. And I will have more to come on my
FiberAntics blog.
48 hexagons... and counting. |
May the Force be with you in your hexie making!