My very best friend of 15+ years went to heaven yesterday. Carbon, my big black flat-coated retriever, was my best friend, constant companion, my encouragement and support, a good listener and took care of me more than I took care of him.
Carbon and his little kitty friend, China. |
At 16+ years old (I didn't have him when he was a puppy), he had a good life and I'm grateful that I could be a part of it, and he a part of mine. He found me when he was about 1 and half years old (from what the vet could determine) and has been with me since through ups, downs and everything in between—dogs love you unconditionally, you know. He was with me when my husband proposed, and gave Larry his "doggie approval" to move in with his mommy.
Carbon, the Alpha Dog of the neighborhood, knew that a look or a bark would suffice over a brawl, and he led by example. We went to dog school together and learned to work together, but over time, I think Carbon taught me more than I taught him. He was so smart, gentle and graceful. He was the best jumper in his class. He had a sweet disposition, but because he was so smart, he could be sneaky at times. (You know what I'm talking about, Carbs.) He never whined or complained and, though he was no doubt in pain from the bone cancer in his leg, his will and spirit was fiercely positive. He was above and beyond a better human than a lot of humans I know.
He loved to go for rides in the truck and run in the yard. He loved snow, the water and to take walks in the rain, though he did not like thunder or loud noises like fireworks. He laid at my feet while I worked at my computer or my sewing machine and often walked around with colorful bits of thread in his long black fur. He was good with other dogs, cats and people alike, and didn't have to prove himself—like people do. He took care of his family—his humans and his furry siblings. What a wonderful, amazing dog.
My heart aches for him and I will miss him forever. I trust he was met by his uncle Jason and other dog friends and I will meet him at the
Rainbow Bridge when that time comes. Carbon, you are the best dog and mommy loves you very much... always.