What a
fiberlicious, yarny Show and Tell we had at my
Sock Knitting Basics class last night!
Hand kit scarves |
At the first session of the
Sock Knitting class, I asked if everyone had done any knitting over the summer. My students mentioned several projects, so I asked if they would bring something to the next class meeting for Show and Tell. Let me tell you, it was a fiber feast for the eyes and the fingers!
There were cabled, patterned and lace scarves; hats with rosettes, funky fringe, picots and pom poms; chemo caps, knitted pouches, shawls, wraps, and capelets. I could not believe all the beautiful, hand knitted creations these women completed in a little over 3 months—and two of them had just taken my Beginning Knitting classes this past January. Talk about
knitting fanatics...
Sharon knits chemo caps with a church group. |
Jane commented that her hand knit pieces—especially scarves and neckwear—is her new jewelry. It adds color, texture, contrast and a bit of bling to the body and draws the eye up to the face. I couldn't have said it better! (Jane (below left) is usually smiling and laughing in class—I snapped this picture while she was talking.)
Jane (left) with a lace mohair scarf.
Lois (right) shows a cabled wrap for her dog.
Check out Lois' pile of scarves in front of her! |
The knitters shared knitting and pattern tips, discoveries they learned by working on these projects, sources for favorite knitting patterns and yarns, where to find the "sale bins" and the stories behind the projects.
All this is what knitting and sharing our passions for the fiber arts is all about!
All kinds of knitted hats with trims and embellishments. |
Knitted scarves and hats. |
After an inspiring Show and Tell, we got down to the business of sock knitting. My students sailed through the magic of the heel turn, navigated the gusset and were cruising along on the decreases for the toe by the end of the evening. Next week begins a four week class on
No Fuss Color Knitting! See you then.
Sock Knitting Basics class projects. |