My friend, Deb, and I delivered
63 Cuddle Quilts to the
Children's Home/Chambliss Shelter, a local children's center, today. The members of our quilt guild, the
Choo Choo Quilters, make and donate lap quilts as our community service project. We also
donated 9 bed-size quilts in December for the teenage residents.
Here are Deb Horn (far left) and I (far right) with staff from the center. A pile of quilts are in front. |
Guild members worked the past 8 months piecing, quilting and binding the cuddle quilts in response to our 2010
Great Cuddle Quilt Quest program.
The Director of Volunteer Services, Paulette Acord, and her staff admire the quilts. |
Here are some of the recipients that received a quilt today.
Sweet dreams.