The big black dog is a great supervisor. The snow doesn't phase him. He finds a good vantage point and plops right down in it.
Lucy, the neighbor kitty, has been hanging around and wanted to get into the snow-shoveling action. He's not much help, but sure is amusing when he tries to jump up on a snow covered car hood (and doesn't quite make it). Ever see a cat do acrobatics?
And our fuzzy, blue-eyed huskie just loves it! She blends right into the landscape.
And me, I've got the kettle on and I'm preparing lesson plans for my quilt guild's (Choo Choo Quilters) upcoming yearlong inspirational quilting and design program. We're using Lorraine Torrence's book, "Fearless Design for Every Quilter"
Get ready for some contour drawing and other right brain activities!