My quilt,
Break Free, Take Flight, recently won the
"Best Use of Hand-dyed/Altered Fabric" award in a contest sponsored by
Lark Books. (view all winners

Original entries submitted to the
"Quilt It!" contest were required to incorporate three of the following five elements: 1) bird/s; 2) mountains; 3) sliver fabric, thread or item; 4) recyled/repurposed material; 5) beads. My entry included a bird, silver thread used in the free-motion machine quilting, and over 95% of the fabrics were hand-dyed or over-dyed using shibori techniques.
Here is a detail view of the metallic thread used in the machine quilting. I'm awaiting delivery of the prize: a library of Lark's quilting books. You can't have too may books—especially when the subject is art quilts, quiltmaking, and textiles. Yipee!