I created and taught a 6-month Mystery Quilt class at my fiber arts studio, Stone Light Studio, this year. Each month, the students received a "clue" for assembling various patchwork units. They also learned and mastered dimensional piecing techniques. The final quilt was revealed during the Mystery Quilt's "group solve" session (see pics
here )—complete with dark and stormy skies, a fierce rainstorm and the electric lights going out a couple of times at the studio. Eeek! Just like in the mystery novels. (I couldn't have planned a more appropriate backdrop if Sherlock, Colonel Mustard and Miss Scarlet had been present themselves.)
Here are results from some of the participants. They all expressed having a wonderful time in the class and were very pleased with their final quilt tops. Each top is so distinctive and unique. I think they did a fantastic job and appreciate each one's willingness to brave the unknown of a Mystery Quilt class!

This one is the class sample. The name of the pattern is "All Points Bulletin." It is my design.